Outdoor Parties: The PERFECT Excuse to Play Dress-up!
Silver Septum Jewelry | Neptune's Child
So, we have all likely been looking forward to, and dreading, the holiday season. After all, fewer times of the year get more hectic and wilder than the holidays. And, as much as we heart our loved ones, it can seem like a really huge chore to prepare for this time of year, when we spend more time with them than any other month or season. Even with the rollercoaster that is 2020, it can seem very daunting to make plans that everyone (including you) can enjoy.
So, what is a simple, yet fun solution? We don’t want to toot our own horns, but we think we have one! And that solution is… OUTDOOR PARTY!! Well, and the dressing up that goes along with it! While it might sound like a strange time to be discussing outdoor parties, we promise that we have some suggestions that will make having the PERFECT outdoor party make complete sense! For everything from party theme ideas, to the kind of body jewelry you choose to wear, we can help you create the right outdoor party for you!

But What KIND of Parties?
Um… literally any! In our opinion, for example, it is NOT too late to host a belated Halloween party (though, if you ask us, there is NEVER a bad time for the creepy and spooky!) But, if you are over Halloween, and ready to move on with the winter holidays, we have some ideas for you, as well!
- Christmas/Thanksgiving party. Well, of course, lots of people begin planning Christmas and Thanksgiving parties of some kind right about now. Whether it’s of the traditional variety with family, or a “Friendsgiving” sort of thing, this is certainly a great time to celebrate! Either stick with your annual food faves or take a vote from everyone you wish to invite and see what they would like to have served! Another fun idea (for some people, at least), is to encourage your guests to dress for the holiday theme.
- Diwali party. As a celebration of lights, an evening time Diwali party would be epic! The décor could be simple but elegant, with all the lights (and/or candles, for additional warmth) that you wish to have. Bright colors with shiny things are popular, OR you can go the elegant route with your color scheme, as well. Either way, mingling with those you care about with all the beautiful (and warm) lights is a wonderful party idea.
- Winter Solstice party. Those who participate in the worship of nature and the older world religions might be planning this sort of party. People often gather and enjoy cake and wine, the company of one another, and the mystical beauty of nature in wintertime. This is a great party to host outdoors. Even if you don’t live in a place where it snows in the winter, the colder weather brings changes in foliage, and even the stars can seem to shine more brightly in the crisp, cool air.
- Anti-holiday parties. Not interested in ANY holiday celebrations? We totally get it! Some of us are very much the “bah humbug” types, too! That doesn’t mean you can’t have a spectacular party, nonetheless! In fact, in many ways, that can be more freeing, and give you more options, for your party. You can either choose a theme, or not, dress festively, or comfortably and casually, or throw something as lavish as an 1800s ball! OR, you could go one step further, and actively aim for the theme of your party to be “anti-holidays” (though, how you choose to do that would be totally up to you and your creative brains!). Of course, we do have one suggestion. Have a jewelry party! It would be a wonderful time to discuss your favorite gold nose studs, silver septum rings, tribal septum piercings, nose rings, or any other body jewelry that is currently striking your fancy! And, of course, if you need help or ideas, we are always happy to oblige!
Ok, but… What to Wear?
Some of that depends on whichever type of party you have chosen to host. For example, you might like the idea of red and green clothing for Christmas themed parties, or warm fall colors like orange, brown and red, for Thanksgiving parties. If your party has no theme, or it is geared more toward something that is not about the holidays, then get creative! If you have chosen to host something exceptionally formal, go nuts with ball gowns and super sleek tuxes. If you just want to gather people you care about together to eat, drink and be merry, do something casual and comfy.
However, bear this in mind! Though outdoor parties can be wonderful and amazing, even in winter, you will likely need to take the temperature into consideration. No matter your theme, if it is cold where you live this time of year, or if it will be cooler then than it is now, make sure that you, and your guests, are appropriately prepared. Another tip… if you can’t build a bonfire or something where you live, consider making your party an indoor/outdoor one. It never hurts to be overly cautious, especially during flu season!
What About… the Elephant in the Room?
Ok, so we know that you didn’t come here to hear more about this horrific pandemic. But, if you are planning ANY sort of party, we must mention it, at least briefly: this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad COVID mess. We are at a point where, in some areas, restrictions are being eased, even lifted… and, in others, they are becoming more strict and severe. There are even some places where it is all up in the air, and no decision has been made about which direction to go. And, like we said, even though we KNOW you are sick of hearing about, and dealing with, it, we must express our concern for your wellbeing. You are, after all, part of our tribe!
Whatever you are choosing to do party wise, PLEASE do not forget to consult your region’s updated COVID policies and laws. Adhere to any social distancing regulations and, if still applicable, DO NOT forget your masks (yet another reason we suggested a Halloween party earlier). And, of course, wash, wash, WASH your hands! That can never do any harm, even if you live in an area that is almost COVID free!
How to Accessorize
Yay, our favorite part of EVERY party (or event… or day, really!). ACCESSORIES! Perhaps you were not aware, but we sort of heart body jewelry… specifically, facial piercings and jewelry. And, whether you are looking for a nice, new gold nose pin, if you wanna see what our tribal septum selection has to offer, if you are in the mood for something more like a hippie nose stud, or if you just cannot wait to update your facial jewelry collection all around, we can definitely help you! We assure you, we have ALL sorts of jewelry (possibly even some new stuff since the last time you’ve visited us) for any occasion. Let us help you look, and feel, your best, at your party this season!