

Refuse To Be Ordinary®

14k Gold Spiritual Jewelry | I Am Loved And Protected - Healing Necklace

712.00 2022-11-29

$712.00 USD

14K Gold (Solid)
English / 14K Gold (Solid)

Need any help? Email me now at doron@PataPataJewlery.com for assistance

AHAVA - I Am Loved and Protected

The love vibration flows in its infinite tide, resonating and pulsing through the AHAVA mandala.
In and out.
This gold healing necklace was created to help you remember that you are never alone.
You are always loved, guided, and protected.

Its vibration, which penetrates and flows through all levels of your being, is a constant reminder of how important, precious, and delicate your love for yourself is.

I am cherished. I am worthy. I am complete.

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I have been a goldsmith, selling my jewelry worldwide, for many years. I am also a long-time spiritual healer and channeler. But those two parts of my existence never merged in my world. Until recently, when I was stricken with an inspiration that I could not ignore.

During a morning meditation in early winter, I was surprised when a mandala was revealed to me.

A Mandela, written in the sacred Hebrew letters; the language of the bible, is a sacred painting, a healing, infinite circle that conjoins desires to their worldly manifestation.

It is a spiritual, energetic vessel that intertwines with our souls. It accompanies and strengthens awareness, balance, attention, and serenity. It enhances creativity and intuition and links to abundance, power, blessing and health.

This first mandala had an overwhelming presence and power that I could not ignore. I immediately sat down to draw and document it before I could forget.

Through an intense guiding process, additional mandalas continued to be revealed. Each one was comprised of the structure and exact details that constitute them, including the energy and vibration that flows through them.

Each mandala is driven by a power word (its origin, as it were) and by the special frequency that beats, vibrates, and resonates through it.

With the mandalas came the instruction to create them in silver and gold: metals with high conductivity which originated in the belly of the earth.

You can combine two complementary mandalas that amplify both each other and the healing vibration they carry and wear them on chains of similar or matching lengths.

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H O W ∙ S H O U L D ∙ Y O U ∙ C H O O S E ∙ Y O U R ∙ P R O T E C T I O N ∙ J E W E L R Y ?

Choose the mandala to which you feel the strongest attraction right now. Whether your attention is drawn to the word woven into it, or to the design of the mandala. Trust your gut! The mandala that calls to you is the most appropriate for you.

Buying for a gift, or just unsure which one to choose? Would you rather consult with me for a match? I’m happy to help!

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∙ Length - 20" (51 cm) 

∙ Pendant - 0.78" (2 cm) approx.

∙ Pendant front side - healing mandala.

∙ Pendant back side - empowering mantra in English / Hebrew to choose from.

∙ High-quality materials - SOLID 14k gold, Nickel FREE - safe to wear

∙ Contact us for special requests


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W H Y ∙ I T ' S ∙ A W E S O M E

∙ It’s Handmade so great fit ensured

∙ High-quality materials - SOLID 14k gold, Nickel FREE - safe to wear

∙ Original design

∙ 100% money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied

∙ Great attention to details

∙ Our items are beautifully gift wrapped ღ

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W H O ∙ I S ∙ T H E ∙ P R O T E C T I O N ∙ N E C K L A C E ∙ S U I T A B L E ∙ F O R ?

My spiritual jewelry strengthens ,heals and supports those who experience constant mental pressure, mental imbalance, stress and anxiety and for those who seek protection.

They accompany and empower those who practice manifesting abundance, manifesting relationship or healing and are wonderful for those looking to increase inner motivation, inspiration and creativity.

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A  S P I R I T U A L  G I F T  F O R  A  W O M A N

Looking for a special gift, one that will hit the mark? My spiritual jewelry is an accurate and exciting gift for those who sense energies and vibrations, who practice or are attracted to spirituality, channeling, energy healing and spiritual healing at every stage of search, learning and experience in which she is.
For those who practice yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
For those who has the gift of Reiki, acupuncture, Shiatsu, Tuina, reflexology, homeopathy, Naturopathy and other complementary and holistic medical professions.
My healing jewelry serves as empath protection jewelry.

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W H A T  M E T A L S  D O  I  M A K E  M Y  S P I R I T U A L  J E W E L R Y  F R O M ?

I handmade the healing jewelry from sterling silver, 925, solid (no coating) and solid 14k gold (the jewelry is not made of an inferior base metal and plated with gold).
Crafting a silver jewelry will usually take about a week.
Crafting the jewelry in 14k gold will usually take about two weeks.
The load of orders and the amount of healing sessions I hold could affect the crafting duration.

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A  P E R S O N A L  H E A L I N G  J E W E L R Y  O N E  O F  A  K I N D

A custom mandala designed by me and inspired completely by you.
One of a kind powerful energetic mandala.
You can choose whether the mandala is designed with your name / child / spouse.
Duration of the preparation process - between three and four weeks. Contact me for more details.

protection necklace

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C O N T A C T ∙ U S

• We are here to resolve any issue directly with you, please let us know with any problem you may have BEFORE filing a case.


• In the (very) unlikely event in which you are not happy with the item, please feel free to return it within 10 days of delivery. Have a look at our returns policy.

O T H E R ∙ I N F O R M A T I O N

• If you’re missing some information or need any advice, Feel free to contact us. Your happiness means much to us :)

• Cleaning: With a professional jewelry cleaning product. If not available, carefully use warm water with gentle soap. Rinse well. Gently rub with a soft cloth. Pat dry completely before storing as silver and gold might stain from water leftovers.

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M O R E ∙ F R O M ∙ U S

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• All images are copyrighted by PataPataJewelry. All rights reserved ®

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